

2024-04-25 18:00:04高一204



1. whether VS if 的用法

2. tell sb to do sth ask sb not to do sth

3. be + doing 表将来

4. 定语从句: 只用that 的情况

只用who 的情况


as VS which

the same … as / that…

such… as

as … as

介词+ which/ whom

which 引导一个句子的用法 非限制性定语从句

插入语 I think I believe I guess I thought


Is this car the one he bought last year?

Is this the car he bought last year?

What 的用法

5. will be done

be about to be done

be to be done

be going to be done

6. has/ have been done

7. be being done 加always 表示一种厌烦等语气

8. 强调句 it is + 被强调部分 + that 从句

It is not until + 时间 + that 从句

特殊疑问词 + is it that 从句

9. 倒装句 部分否定,含有否定词的 hardly never little only seldom 等, 把情态动词,be 动词, 助动词提到主语 的前面

10. as if , insist suggest request command ,从句用虚拟语气, 用(should) do 。


1.dream of/about (doing) sth. 梦想;幻想

2. pretend to do / be 假装做某事

3. to be honest 说实话

be honest with sb. 对某人坦白

be honest in sth. 坦白承认

4. attache… to认为有(重要性、意义);附上;连接

5. form the habit of 养成……的习惯

6. perform侧重表演的能力、技巧或效果;主语可以是人或动物

act 侧重“扮演、担任”某一角色,侧重于动作,主语通常是人。

performance n.演出;演奏;表演

7. in cash 用现金,用现钱

pay in cash 给现金;现金支付

by credit card 用信用卡

by cheque / check 用支票

8. play a joke on sb.=play jokes on sb. 戏弄

make fun of 捉弄;取笑

laugh at sb. 嘲笑

9. rely on =depend on 依靠,指望

10. or so “大约;……左右”

11. break up打碎;分裂;解体;驱散;结束;(学校)放假

break down出故障;拆毁;失败;精神崩溃;(身体)垮

break into破门而入

break off 中断;断交;突然停止

break out 爆发;突然发生

break away from脱离;摆脱

12. above all: 最重要的是,尤其,首先

in all: 一共;总计

after all: 毕竟;终究;别忘了

at all: (否定句)根本,完全 (疑问句)到底



Prefer doing…to doing…

Prefer to do rather than do


2.Ever since middle school,my sister Wang Wei and I have dreamed about taking a great bike trip.从高中起,我姐姐王维和我就一直梦想做一次伟大的自行车旅行。


It is/has been+一段时间+since+一般过去时自从……至今已经多久了。

3.persuade sb to do sth=persuade sb into doing sth说服某人做某事

4.强调句型It is/was+被强调部分+that/who



5.be fond of喜欢,喜爱


① although 从句多在句首,though 从句可在主句前、中、后任何位置,而且though 可以作副词用于句末,作“但是,不过”讲,而although 无此用法。

② as though(仿佛,好像),even though(即使,尽管)中不能用although。

③ though 引导的让步状语从句可以倒装(将表语、状语、情态动词后的动词原形前置到句首,此用法同as),而 although 不可以。

7.insist on doing sth/sth.一定要、坚持主张

She insists on getting up early and playing her radio loudly.


11.care about关心 在乎

care for喜欢,照料,照顾

12.change one’s mind改变主意



Once you have begun you must continue.

15.give in让步 give up 放弃

16.instead of代替,而不是

17.make up one’s mind to do下定决心做某事

18.a large parcel of一大包

19.as usual像往常一样

20.put up our tent搭帐篷

21.stay awake睡不着,醒着stay up熬夜

22.for company做伴

23.lie beneath the stars躺在星空下

24.can hardly wait to do=can’t wait to do迫不及待做某事

25.go in the right direction走正确的方向

26.at a very slow pace.以很慢的速度

27.be similar to类似于

28.afford to do sth付得起,能承担

29.be tired from因……而疲劳be tired of对……厌倦

30.be in high spirits喜气洋洋,兴高采烈

31.come true实现,成真

32.give sb some advice on doing...

33.a guide to………的指南

34.on a tour在游览中,在巡演中

35.in detail详细地


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