

2024-05-14 10:00:01初三170





1.put on 增加(体重);发胖

2.care about 关心; 在乎

3.end up 最终成为, 最后处于

4.not only ……but also……不但……而且……

5.shoot down 射下

6.used to do 过去常常做……

7.remind sb. of 使某人想起

8.give out 分发 发放

9.the water festival 泼水节

10.the Chinese spring festival 中国春节

11.next year 明年

12.sound like 听起来像

13.each other 互相 彼此

14.in the shape of 以……的形状

15.on mid-autumn night 在中秋之夜

16.fly up to 飞向

17.lay out 摆开 布置

18.come back 回来

19.as a result 结果 因此

20.Mother’s day 母亲节

21.more and more popular 越来越受欢迎

22.think of 想起 ;认为 ;思考

23.dress up 装扮 穿上盛装

24.the importance of ……的重要性

25.make money 挣钱

26.in need 需要帮助 处于困境中

27.between …and…在……和……之间

28.the dragon boat festival 龙舟节

29.the lantern festival 元宵节

30.like best 最喜欢

31.go to …for a vacation 去……度假

32.be similar to 与……相似

33.wash away 冲走 洗掉

34.Mid-autumn festival 中秋节

35.shoot down 射下

36.call out 大声呼喊

37.the tradition of ……的传统

38.at night 在夜里; 在晚上

39.one…,the other…一个……,另一个…...

40.Father’s day 父亲节


1. I think that they’ re fun to watch.


2. What do you like about… ?

What do you like best about the Dragon Boat Festival?


3. What a great day!


4 .1 wonder if…

I wonder if it’s similar to the Water Festival of the Dai people in Yunnan  Province.


5. How+adj. /adv. + 主 + 谓!

How fantastic the dragon boat teams were!


6.What + 名词+主语+谓语!

What an interesting book it is!


04Unit2 词汇精讲

1. put on

put on在本课中意为“增加(体重);发胖”。例如:

I can eat what I want but I never put on weight.


【拓展】put on的其他用法:

(1) 意为“穿上;戴上”。例如:

It’s much too cold outside. You should put on your coat.


She put on her coat and went out. 她穿上大衣出去了。

(2) 意为“上演;举办”。例如:

The band is hoping to put on aUKshow before the end of the year.


2. wish/hope

(1) 相同点:表示“想;希望”,宾语可为to do,不能用doing。例如:

I hope/wish to visit Guilin. 我希望去桂林观光。

(2) 不同点:wish后可以跟复合宾语,即wish sb. to do sth.,而hope不能。例如:

I wish you to go. (正) 我希望你去。

I hope you to go. (误) 我希望你去。

(3) 两者都可接that从句,但是“hope + that从句”表示希望,“wish +  that从句”表示愿望,且从句的谓语动词要用虚拟语气。例如:

I hope you’ll be better soon. 我希望你很快好起来。

I wish I were really wealthy. 但愿我真的富有。

(4) wish后可接双宾语。例如:

We wish you a happy New Year! 我们祝你新年快乐!

3. miss


I’ll miss you when you go toCanada.



(1) miss作动词还有“未击中,未抓住”的意思。例如:

I tried to hit the ball but I missed.


(2) miss还可意为“未赶上,错过”,是动词。例如:

I missed the football match on TV last night.


(3) miss与like; mind; finish; enjoy; practice; be busy; stop; can’t help;  give up等词一样后接动词的-ing形式。例如:

I don’t want to miss seeing that film on television tonight.


4. however


She’s very intelligent. However, she’s quite lazy.



(1) however是副词,意为“不过;然而”,表转折时,与后面的句子用逗号隔开,不能与but连用。例如:

My room is small. However, it’s comfortable.


(2) but是连词,意为“但是”,表示转折时,与后面内容相连,不用逗号隔开。例如:

She is young but very clever. 她虽然年轻但非常聪明。

5. dress up

dress up意为“装扮,乔装打扮”或者“穿上盛装,打扮”。例如:

You don’t need dress up for the party.



dress up常与as;in连用构成短语dress up as…意为“装扮成……;乔装打扮成……”;dress up  in…意为“穿上……”,后接表示衣服或颜色的名词。例如:

He likes to dress up as a solider. 他喜欢装扮成军人。

On Christmas Day we always dress up in red.


6. care about

care about意为“担心;关心;在乎;对……感兴趣”。例如:

Don’t you care about losing your job?


I really care about the students in my class.


I don’t care about your opinion.


【拓展】care about与care for的辨析:

(1) care about意为“关心;在乎;介意”,强调出于责任感而“关心;在乎”。例如:

My parents care about my health. 我父母关心我的健康。

(2) care for可意为“照料;照顾”,与take care of同义;也可意为“喜欢”,多用于疑问句或否定句,其同义短语为be fond  of。例如:

Would you care for a cup of tea? 你想喝杯茶吗?

He helped me care for my mother when I left.


7. remind

(1) remind是及物动词,意思是“提醒、使某人想起”,经常和介词of连用构成动词短语remind somebody of  somebody/something=remind somebody that+从句,意思是“使某人想起某事或者某人”。例如:

Does that song remind you of your mother?


(2) 动词短语remind somebody to do something的意思是“提醒某人做某事”。例如:

Please remind me to return the books to the library.


8. promise


(1) 后接名词或代词作宾语,常可以带间接宾语,即构成promise sb. sth. 例如:

He promised me the book. 他答应给我这本书。

(2) promise to do sth. 意为“承诺/答应做某事”。例如:

He promised to help us. 他答应要帮助我们。

(3) promise sb. (not) to do sth. 意为“承诺/答应某人(不)做某事”。例如:

I promise you not to say that. 我答应你不说那件事。

(4) promise + that从句,意为“承诺……”。例如:

He promised that he would come straight home.



Mooncake ['mu:nke?k] n. 月饼

lantern [?l?nt? (r)n] n. 灯笼

stranger [?streind?? (r)] n. 陌生人

relative [?rel?tiv] n. 亲属;亲戚

put on 增加(体重);发胖

pound [paund] n. 磅(重量单位);英镑

folk [f?uk] adj. 民间的;民俗的

goddess [?g?des][?ɡɑd?s] n. 女神

whoever [hu:?ev? pron.无论是谁;不管谁;任何人

steal [sti:l] v. (stole [st?ul], stolen [st?ul?n]) 偷;窃取

lay [lei] v. (laid [leid], laid) 放置;产(卵)

lay out 摆开;布置

dessert [di?z?:(r)t] n.( 饭后)甜点;甜食

garden [ga:(r)dn] n. 花园;园子

tradition [tr??d??n] n.传统

admire [?d?mai? (r)] v. 欣赏;仰慕

tie [tai] n. 领带 v. 捆;束

haunted [?h?:ntid] adj.有鬼魂出没的

ghost [g?ust] n. 鬼;鬼魂

trick [trik] n. 花招;把戏

treat [tri:t] n. 款待;招待;请客

spider [?spaid?r)] n. 蜘蛛

Christmas [?krism?s] n. 圣诞节

lie [laI] v. (lay [leI], lain [leIn]) 存在;平躺;处于

novel [?n?vl] [?na:vl] n.(长篇)小说

eve [i:v] n.(尤指宗教节假日的)前夕;前夜

dead [ded] adj.死的;失去生命的

business [?bizn?s] n. 生意;商业

punish [?p?nis] v. 处罚;惩罚

warn [w?:(r)n] v. 警告;告诫

end up 最终成为;最后处于

present [preznt] n. 现在;礼物 adj. 现在的

nobody [n?ub?di] [n?uba:di] pron. 没有人

warmth [w?:(r)mθ] n. 温暖;暖和

spread [spred] v. 传播;展开 n. 蔓延;传播

Macao [m??kau] 澳门

Chiang Mai [?t?i?n?maI], [d?a:nmaI] 清迈(泰城市)

Water Festiwal 泼水节


Mother's Day母亲节

Father's Day 父亲节

Halloween [?h?l?u?i:n] 万圣节前夕

A Christmas Carol 《圣诞欢歌》(小说名)

Easter 复活节

Clara [?kla:r?] [?kler?] 克拉拉(女名)

Santa [?s?nt?] Claus [kl?:z] 圣诞老人

Charles [t?a:(r)lz] Dickens [?dik?nz] 查尔斯 ? 狄更斯(英)

Scrooge [skru:d?] 斯克鲁奇 n.(非正式)吝啬鬼

Jacob [?d?eik?b] Marley [?ma:(r)li] 雅各布 ? 马利


一. 单项选择 (15分)


( )1. — Jenny, do Chinese people celebrate      Easter Day?

— No. This is the first time I’ve celebrated      festival.

A. the; the B. the; a

C. /; the D. /; a

( )2. — What did you do on April Fool’s Day?

— I played a trick      my brother.

A. on B. to

C. with D. at

( )3. We will have two family parties this autumn. One is at Halloween and       is at Thanksgiving.

A. other B. the other C. another D. the others

( )4. — Do you have      in Beijing?

— Yes. My aunt and uncle live there.

A. classmates B. cousins

C. partners D. relatives

( )5. — Have you found the poor dog yet?

— Yes. But he was      when we found him. The bad weather killed him.

A. dying B. died

C. dead D. die

( )6. — It’s dangerous to swim in this river.

— Yes, you are right. The government has      people not to swim in it.

A. trained B. warned

C. led D. encouraged

( )7. After working her way around the world, Annie ended up      English  as a foreign language.

A. teach B. taught

C. teaching D. to teach

( )8. You should learn to think while reading. Usually, behind the lines       the writer’s true meaning.

A. lie B. lies

C. have D. has

( )9. — Look at the photo I took in Jinghong, Yunnan Province.      the Dai  people were having!

— Wow! They were celebrating the Water Festival.

A. What fun B. How fun

C. What a fun D. How a fun

( )10. After a 3-week winter vacation, students usually      some weight  when they return to school.

A. put away B. put up

C. put in D. put on

( )11. — The Dragon Boat races are so exciting, but our boat is still  behind.

— Don’t worry. I am sure      our team will win!

A. if B. that

C. whether D. why

( )12. — Could you tell me something about Valentine’s Day in Japan?

— Well, not only adults      children celebrate it.

A. but B. and

C. although D. because

( )13. — Will we have dinner at the Hope Restaurant?

— Maybe. We’ll go there if the show      before 6. But I don’t know if  there

any free tables then.

A. will end; were B. will end; will be

C. ends; were D. ends; will be

( )14. — Can you spare time to come to our Thanksgiving party?

— Well, I don’t know

A. that I can finish my work by then

B. if can I finish the work by then

C. whether I can finish the work by then

D. that can I finish the work by then

( )15. — I am going back to America for Thanksgiving Day.

—     . And we will miss you.

A. Enjoy yourself B. You’re welcome

C. That’s interesting D. The same to you

二. 完形填空 (10分)


Jack was a hard-working student when young but he had some big problems. He  used to be shy before his classmates. So he had 16 friends at school. Bob was a  new student in his class. All the students were soon familiar (熟悉的) with him and  got on well with him 17 Jack.

One day, some boys put some money into Jack’s bag and Bob pretended (假装) to  have 18 his money. Of course, they found the money in 19 bag at last.

Jack felt shameful (可耻的) 20 he could not say anything about it. Soon his  classmates called him a thief and 21 him in the school. His teachers also 22  that and called his parents to the school, too. Just then, Bob stood out and  helped Jack make everything 23 .

From that day, Jack and Bob 24 good friends. Bob often took Jack to take  part in many activities and Jack became outgoing. Bob was weak in English and  Jack often helped him 25 it. Now Jack became the monitor in his class, and he  had more friends. He enjoyed the nice friendship and the school life.

( )16. A. many B. few

C. several D. new

( )17. A. against B. like

C. except D. for

( )18. A. lost B. wasted

C. found D. made

( )19. A. your B. their

C. Bob’s D. Jack’s

( )20. A. but B. if

C. since D. unless

( )21. A. agreed with B. laughed at

C. dealt with D. got excited about

( )22. A. allowed B. faced

C. developed D. believed

( )23. A. clear B. easy

C. hard D. wonderful

( )24. A. greeted B. met

C. became D. loved

( )25. A. to B. in

C. by D. with

三. 阅读理解 (30分)



One little miracle (奇迹) has been happening to me recently, and it gives me  a special joy.

A few months ago, I was telling my daughter, Sally, some stories about my  mother. My daughter was so young when my mother died that she doesn’t remember  her well. I told her all I could remember, like how wonderful my mother was and  how much she meant to me.

One day, Sally was sad because her grandmother was in heaven (天堂) and she  couldn’t see her. I explained that though her grandmother was dead, now she was  still watching over us and could send us something to let us know she was there.  She could be anywhere, even riding invisibly (看不见地) on the back of a butterfly  (蝴蝶). Just after I said this, a butterfly flew down right by us, and we laughed  happily.

Now many people would say it was just luck that the butterfly flew down at  that time. A funny thing, however, has happened since then. Every time I go out  in any type of weather I see butterflies. Very often they fly right by my face  to get my attention. I always say hi to Mom, send her my love, and thank God for  little miracles.

Everyone is always looking for some big miracles to come out and save them  when they are in trouble, but they don’t notice the little miracles that happen  every day right in front of their eyes. I know what they really are, however.  For me little miracles are the best kind. So many little miracles happen around  me all the time that I know they are not just luck.


( )26. When her grandmother died, Sally was     .

A. at school B. quite young

C. in trouble D. not at home

( )27. One day Sally was sad because     .

A. her mother told her a sad story

B. she argued with her grandmother

C. she couldn’t see her grandmother

D. her grandmother sent her nothing special

( )28. What does the underlined word “they” refer to (指代)?

A. Everyone. B. Butterflies.

C. Grandparents. D. Little miracles.

( )29. What is the little miracle that has been happening to Sally’s  mom?

A. She has a wonderful time with her daughter.

B. She sees butterflies every time she goes out.

C. She can make her daughter laugh happily every day.

D. She often sees her mother ride on the back of a butterfly.

( )30. Which can be the BEST title for this passage?

A. Butterflies and miracles

B. Sally’s grandmother

C. Miracles are nowhere

D. A funny thing happened to Sally


Billy Dengler, a 14-year-old boy, is in the eighth grade. A month after he  was born, Billy’s mother, Terri, noticed that his eyes weren’t quite as big as a  normal baby’s. She took Billy to the hospital, and the doctor said Billy would  never be able to see.

Although Billy can’t see, he has never let that hold him back or make him  different. Billy began teaching himself computer programming by using a screen  reader when he was just seven years old. He is a certified Google developer  (谷歌认证开发者) now. Google even tried to offer him a job last year when he discovered  a problem in one of its systems, but Billy wasn’t old enough.

Billy’s dream school would be Stanford University or MIT, where he could  get a very good education in computer science. After he leaves school, whether  he will go to work at a company like Google or design a software company of his  own is still to be decided. However, he says he will definitely (绝对地) do  something great.

“It’s a sighted world,” Billy said. “You can’t let anything get in the way  of your dreams, and if you do that, you can’t move forward and make your dreams  come true.”

( )31. Billy’s mother found there was something wrong with Billy’s eyes  when     .

A. he was 14 years old

B. he left school

C. he was in the eighth grade

D. he was a month old

( )32. Billy started to learn computer programming by himself with the help  of     .

A. a screen reader B. his mother

C. a computer D. his teacher

( )33. The underlined word “systems” means “    ” in Chinese.

A. 电脑 B. 系统 C. 机器 D. 计划

( )34. What will Billy do after school?

A. He will work for Google.

B. He will open a company.

C. He has not decided on that.

D. He will do nothing.

( )35. We can learn that      from the passage.

A. blindness is not a big problem

B. it’s easy to be a certified Google developer

C. nothing should get in the way of our dreams

D. Billy is a student of Stanford University


“Did you go skating a lot last year?” I asked. Jen shook her head and  looked at me. Finally she said, “On Thanksgiving, Mom and I always went to visit  some friends who lived on a farm. I especially loved seeing their big  turkeys.”

Until then, I didn’t think about how Jen felt. She had a new stepfather  (继父) and stepbrother, and had a new town and home, too. Jen and her mom used to  live near a lake where Dad and I went every summer, and she had to move up north  with us. She had more changes than me.

Jen seemed sad, so I was busy thinking of some ways to cheer her up on  Thanksgiving. I told her my plan and she was excited. First we made a huge  snowball, and then a small snowball. Then we built a wall behind the big  snowball as a tail. Jen mixed some food coloring with water, saying, “We can  spray (喷) colors on the tail.” Our snow turkey had a red, blue, green, and  yellow tail. We were so busy that we didn’t notice our parents come outside. Dad  found a hat for the snow turkey, and Mom wrapped her scarf around its neck.

“Thanks for cheering Jen up,” Mom said. “You’re a good brother, and you  always come up with great ideas.’’ A happy feeling spread through me. I began to  understand how much she cared about everyone in our new family.

( )36. What did Jen do on Thanksgiving in the past?

A. She went skating with her friends.

B. She went to the farm with her mother.

C. She stayed at home with her mother.

D. She made snow turkeys with her mother.

( )37. What can we learn from the second paragraph?

A. Jen lived near a lake in the past.

B. The writer was Jen’s stepfather.

C. Jen moved up north for studying.

D. The writer just moved out of his old house.

( )38. How many people are there in Jen’s new family?

A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. D. Five.

( )39. Which of the following is the right order?

①made a small snowball ②found a hat

③made a huge snowball ④sprayed colors on the tail

⑤wrapped a scarf around the neck

⑥built a wall behind the big snowball

A. ①③⑥④②⑤ B. ①②③④⑤⑥

C. ③①⑥④②⑤ D. ③①⑥②④⑤

( )40. What can we infer (推断) from the underlined sentence?

A. Jen’s stepmother was not friendly to the writer.

B. Jen didn’t feel happy after moving here.

C. Jen’s mother did a lot to make Jen happy.

D. The writer felt happy because his stepmother liked him.

四. 填写单词 (5分)


41. When my parents called me from my hometown, I could feel the     (温暖)  over the telephone.

42. Most of the students thought Jim     (偷) David’s money yesterday.

43. People in the UK don’t use dollars or euros (欧元), and they use  p    .

44. Mary is a shy girl. Her face always turns red when she speaks to a  s    .

45. When I failed my exams, my parents usually encouraged me instead of  p     me.

五. 任务型阅读 (10分)

When I was 5 years old, I went to the USA with my mom. I can still remember  the first Halloween holiday I had in the USA.

On the morning of Halloween, we paid a visit to a pumpkin farm. Each of us  brought a pumpkin to school with us. I used the pumpkin to make a lantern which  had two triangle eyes and a scary mouth.

In the afternoon, we put on the Halloween costumes and went on parade in  school. Some of the costumes were nice, but some of them looked scary. I chose  to wear a suit of Superman’s clothes.

I did a lot of things that day, but the part I liked best was “trick or  treat” in the evening. After dinner, I went outside with an empty bag. I hoped  to get a lot of candies from people. At first, I was a bit nervous, so when I  knocked at the door, my heart was beating very fast. A lady came out, and I said  carefully to her, “Trick or treat.” My voice was very low, and even myself could  hardly hear it. To my surprise, the lady was so kind to give me two candy bars,  and I was so excited, thanked the lady and moved on. I couldn’t remember how  many houses I visited, but I could remember how many candies I got—I got 91  pieces of candy that day, and I was so proud of myself.

What a happy Halloween I had! And I wish we could have a Halloween every  month!


My First Halloween in America


Activities at Halloween


In the morning


We visited a pumpkin farm and brought (46)     to school.  


In the afternoon


We went on parade in school in Halloween (47)    .


In the evening


“Trick or treat” was my 

(48)     part.

At last I got 91 pieces of candy. This made me feel (49)     of myself.



I wish there were (50)     Halloweens a year.


六. 情景交际 (10分)


A: Who is the best teacher that you have ever had?

B: Miss Baymier. She is my head teacher in primary school.

A: (51)

B: She is patient, kind, fun and smart.

A: Did she use to be strict?

B: (52)      She really wanted us to get good grades, you know.

A: What did you learn from her?

B: She taught us that we can do anything that we want to.

A: Oh, anything? (53)

B: If we really want to do something and we work hard at it, I believe we  can do it.

A: You said she was strict. (54)

B: Sure. But she had some rules that helped us feel comfortable. For  example, students had to be friendly to each other.

A: I see. (55)

B: That’s true. So her students all regarded her as their best teacher.



















Dear Mr Wang,

I’m writing to recommend Zhang Hang as our new monitor.

I hope you can consider my recommendation.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming


1-5 CABDC 6-10 BCBAD 11-15 BADCA

16-20 BCADA 21-25 BDACD 26-30 BCDBA

31-35 DABCC 36-40 BACCB

41. warmth 42. stole 43. pounds

44. stranger 45. punishing

46. pumpkins 47. costumes

48. favorite 49. proud 50. 12/twelve

51. What is she like? / What do you think of her?

52. Yes, she did.

53. Do you really believe that we can do anything?

54. Did she use to have a lot of rules?

55. It sounds that she really cared about her students.

One possible version:

Dear Mr Wang,

I’m writing to recommend Zhang Hang as our new monitor.

I think he has some strong qualities for this position. Zhang Hang is  confident. He is good at making speeches. He also does well in computers.

He is hard-working, modest and organized. He often spends lots of time  organizing after-school activities.

He is very helpful too. He never minds doing extra work for our class. He  always tries his best to help other students. He is very popular with us.

I think Zhang Hang is the most suitable person to be our monitor.

I hope you can consider my recommendation.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming
